Tips on planning for a pool in your new home
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If your list of New Year’s resolutions begins with ‘become a homeowner’, then congratulations! Buying or building a new home is a big step, it’s true, but it’s also a super exciting one. To help ensure you start off on the right foot, take a moment to consider these important points.

Warm sun… gentle splashes… glistening blue water. There’s nothing more appealing than a backyard pool. And for Eden Brae customers with a block of land that allows for a pool, deciding to take the plunge and install a swimming pool makes their dream home complete.

But before lazy summer afternoons by the pool can get started, there are some important considerations to be aware of when installing a swimming pool.

Before the build

If you’re completing a knock-down rebuild and you already have a pool, keep it covered and fully protected whilst your new home is being built.

If you’re building a pool from scratch, give your builder as much information as you can before beginning your home build.

Your builder will need to know which pool company will be installing your swimming pool. Other vital details for your builder include the pool’s location and size, plus whether it will be concrete or fibreglass.

Details such as these affect site preparation. Your builder needs to be sure that the pool won’t impact your home’s utility services, for example. And if the pool is installed within one metre of the house, your new home or pool may need additional piering for the slab. You can avoid the need for piering by having the pool a few meters away from the house.

Getting approval

Installing a pool means getting CDC or council approval, which is separate to your house build approval.

Fortunately, your pool company will almost certainly do this for you. They will need your construction plans. Or, if you choose to go directly to a certifier, they’ll need the pool and house plans. You’ll also need to show the certifier the engineering plans and a cross-section of the pool. This illustrates the depth of the pool and confirms that it won’t impact any zones of influence, such as utility services.

Easements on the property

The location of your swimming pool will be affected by easements on the property. In some cases, property owners can pay an additional charge to encase the easement to build over. However, bear in mind that this can become costly.

Access to the pool build area

If you can move the materials necessary for the pool after your new home is built, you’ll be able to install your pool after or towards the end of your home build, saving you time and energy to focus on aspects of your build like framing and brickwork.

However, if access will be restricted after the build, significant earthworks and other major installations can be completed and then covered to be finished after the house is completed.

If access is limited and you choose to build your pool after your home build, keep in mind the additional site costs, including a smaller excavation machine, concrete pump and crane. Your pool building company will tell you their minimum access allowance before they charge you for additional costs.

For more help

It’s wise to liaise with your pool company and Eden Brae from the get-go to ensure the pool building process is as stress-free as possible. If you’ve got further questions, feel free to give us a ring on 1300 645 860.