Waldorf 44 MK2 Kitchen resampled
The Kitchen Bench - The Most Versatile Fixture In Your New Home
The kitchen has always been the heart of the home both physically and metaphorically.
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Forsyth 33 Alfresco and Outdoor Living resized
How to create the perfect alfresco space
Alfresco dining and outdoor entertaining are a classic part of the Australian lifestyle.
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Air con blog585 320
The benefits of air conditioning in your new home
Cool or warm – you’ll be right all year round When you’re sorting out temperature control for your new home with Eden Brae, reverse cycle air conditioning is a brilliant choice.…
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Pool blog 585x320
Tips on planning for a pool in your new home
Warm sun… gentle splashes… glistening blue water. There’s nothing more appealing than a backyard pool.
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Paddington Huntlee OutdoorMaster 1
Gardening in Spring for Beginners
Your new gardens, front and back, are as much a feature of your new home as your kitchen.
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orientation blog image
Why the orientation of your home is so important
Whilst it’s not usually top of mind when thinking about building a new home, orientating your home into the most desirable position for its location has major benefits.
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Storage blog
Space and storage: 5 tips for getting the right balance
Ah yes, the balancing act of space and storage. You want your home to feel open and breezy but don’t want it to look too spartan.
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Spring blog
Spring into action: getting ready for spring
The birds are singing; the days are longer, the flowers are starting to bloom… You can feel spring coming in the sneak peeks of warm weather and your extra bursts…
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Hamptons image blog
Five Ways to Create a Hamptons Style Home
Timeless and sophisticated, the Hamptons style is enduringly popular with Eden Brae Homes’ customers.
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snug as a bug
Be snug as a bug this winter
As winter temperatures become decidedly nippy, here are five easy ways to make your home truly cosy without running up a huge power bill. 1.
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Fairmont 23 Close Up Oven
Home Option Gallery – Stainless Steel: Synonymous With Style
Kitchen fads may come and go but the appeal of stainless steel appliances is timeless – especially when they carry the name of a well-known European brand.
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Paddington Huntlee Kitchen blog 1
Mixing It Up In The Kitchen
Now is the time to be creative in your new kitchen and we are not talking about food.
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