Glenburn 30 Facade BLOG 1
Common Building Terms Part 2
Don’t get lost in translation! How to understand home building language – Part 2 Building terminology can be a bit bewildering at first.
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Blog CommonBuildingTerms
Common Building Terms
Don’t get lost in translation! Home build language for beginners. Building your first home is like taking your first trip to a foreign land.
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Researching Your New Home Build

A great way to find all the information you need on starting your home build journey is right here on our website! The Eden Brae Homes’ website has a whole heap of ways you can start conducting your research without leaving your lounge room. Enjoy our top six tips to get you started.

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Research Your New Home Build

A great way to find all the information you need on starting your home build journey is here on our website!

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Which builder is right for me?

FIND an ideal builder to move into your dream home quicker

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SeptemberNewsletter Blog
Getting back to BASIX

The Building Sustainability Index (BASIX) is all about delivering equitable, effective water and greenhouse gas reduction across NSW..

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EBH JuneBlog
8 Questions to ask your prospective house builder

Choosing which builder to construct your dream home is a big decision to make. To help you pick the best company for the job, here are eight questions to ask.

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November Newsletter Blog2
How To Read A Floor Plan

It isn’t as compelling as glossy photographs and marketing descriptions, but a floor plan can provide the most useful information available about a potential new home.

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blog 2 may
Is your land registering in the next 6 months?

If you’ve put a deposit on vacant land that is due to be registered soon, it won’t be long until the property settles and you’re paying interest.

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